Monday, January 30, 2006

herro from munich!!!

Just been spending a bit of time in germany ya know...the usual!!
stayed with the lovely girls we spent christmas with for a few days...watched a heap of movies and lots of friends episodes. It is nice to listen to some english after being on the road with german radio! Its kinda tiring trying to figure out what theyre all saying!.
We arrived in Munich this afternoon. Will go to a beer house tonight and off to a concentration camp from WW2 tomorrow and then on wednesday will head off to the disney castle- Neuschwanstein!!!(this is the real thing!!Disney is based from this)
PHOTOS. These first 2 dudes are the locals we met. Pretty cool guys studying and hanging out at the HB. Me and my stein!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


so the current count is martha - 264......siblings (Zac, Sequoya, Kizzie, Tannum and kt b good megan timtam mooney...all of ya) ZERO!! so im winning so far. you guys better catch up let me know when you see a windmill!!
this first one is in brugge with our lovely hosts

and another one of the horse i found across the road. i think we had something


we went on a walking tour on monday. it was great. took 8 hours and learnt heaps and saw so much!!!we met 2 lovely aussies that we ended up hanging out with all last night. it was great. lots of laughs and good ice-cream!!Today was the east side are some photos of this week so far.
the book burning sqaure. you can see the shelves...enough room for every book that was burned here that day.

art on the east side gallery. art is what is left of the berlin wall this is a stencil artists dream!!for 50cent rent a month squatters stay here! and marthas snow angel. it is like -7 outside and has been snowing on and off since yesterday afternoon and i LOVE it!but some times i cant feel my legs....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brugge - Belgium

i HAVE finally DONE outdoor ice skating. Today in Belgium- Brugge Daniel Anisia and I took the plunge...not literally for us (some kids didn't get off so lightly- no help from us hehe).
The day starts with a typical Brugge Breakfast with fresh bakery bread and lots of yummy spreads like CHOCOLATE or buttered honey. so tasty. Our beautiful hosts showed us around the city of Brugge. We went to the lake of one is sure why it has that name... we also saw something similar to a convent but is not attached to the church. its just a community of woman who are not married...that live together and Men are locked out...there is a little more then that and they even wear the same kinda thing as nuns but there is no connection to a church...i don't understand. Daniel went in (hehe which makes us sound snealy but during the day people walk in and out as they please)
also experienced frites or french fries....very very good
well i must go for now will be back soon hopefully
FUNNIST comment ever today made by anisia - ' did you do that for dress ups or just for fun)
the north sea.....glad i dont have to patrol this one...

Battle of Somme- France

Saturday 7 Jan 2006
It was a standard winter day when we visited the western front (in Nomandy - france) of the first world war. It was cold about -1 degree. It was snowing a little and my toes were frozen. We saw a memorial for the Australian soldiers who fought there. I walked up and down the grave stones and saw so many 'unknown'. I spotted one stone that had the age and birth date of one of my close friends...and then i really stopped and paused on what these guys missed out on when they fought for freedom so far away from home. Soldiers that are fighting in conditions we never have at home. In snow and wet clay mud and km of unknown battle grounds.
They have a preserved 'ditch' i got to walk through and for ages there are no trees....just vally's of not much.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

the top of the eiffel tower

i must say the top of the eiffel tower is actually the top. You can't get any higher and the lift up if about the most scared i hav been (and then i got in the car). kizzie said she would rather have (à children then go up the lift...she went up there and we had a bit of a look about. i had been sick hence had not eaten much but i made the 560 steps to the 2nd floor. It was a little foggy so couldn't see as far as a clear day but at least the sun was out and it wasnt too cold.

I made it i am actually still alive

4 aussies lost on the streets of france pull over to ask the car infront for directions.their response.....'ah we italio....lost' is almost a line for a joke....then the irish car puèlls up.....
go into the petrol station....ellie says to the guy; 'oh thats a nice name how do you say that'....his response....'ah its not my name....(cassier)its my job'.....hehehe oops.....
Ellie with the map eating....'yeah this is the way'....we hint the dead end...'ah i think we got it wrong'....this trip will be hilarious
Anisia.....'DANNY TOO CLOSE'.....(to late we mount the curb).i will say right now that daniel you are a brilliant driver and if i was driving on the wrong side of the road i would be going down more one way streets then you have=)
so we spent yesterday getting used to the driving and in V palace...oh my goodness if you have seen 'ever after' that is exactly what it was like so beautiful. and that is why i still want to be a princess
My last day with kizz was yesterday shes in london town now then home again to start teaching. For those of you who know my sister well will know she brought a spark to the group and will be missed for her quotes= stop beeping, are we having fun,ill give him what for and danielsan mr miyagi say good work....also the soothing beach noises with the seagull and whale noises waking you up again. thanks for coming Kizz its been a blast. I hope you dont have to return with your 50 kids to go up the eiffel tower