Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Camp 09

Some highlights in no good order......
Village rd...minus one again!

D! =)

Ben mwah and Jasmine!

how pretty is it

the Tab

the boat shed


Matt Lander

the 3 =) Brittany, Devon and Marth

our fav lil camper!he was the greatest!

the infirmary partners in crime, Mel and Gloria

stranger danger!took this photo!

its almost never captured on film. 2 of my favorites cmiling on camera!

Roof and I with Tony and Darell outside applebees!

Roof and I

My fav woman anywhere!!Capt. Vangerl Dupigny! i love her! and Lauwana

Our room in NYC...very nice similar kinda crowd...shut up jamie

Mark and I on the staff trip!

top of the rock...looking at the eempire state building

Cal and I overlooking central park

we went to see wicked!!!it was wicked!!!

My Brother Tony! AHHH love him lots!

Darell who is in denial about loosing his baby face...

secret service for the wedding

Matt and Julie Lander

Cassie, Kerry Ruth And I =)

Central Park...just aa small part that i love

greatest night in nYC this summer

Ice? lol funniest moment

Scotland!my country during olympics week!we came 2nd =)

the family....Taja got lost in there somewhere

Chester, butthead aka Monthy and Brit =)

oh many infirmary memories

the village rd crew minus one

the FAMILY, Brit Jasmine mwah Schqwee qwee and Shirrica

Taja mwah Shirrica, BAPS and Jaz

my Garnett

greatest camper 09....Ericand Mark

my club =) yes i got to teach for 2 sessions


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