I made it i am actually still alive
4 aussies lost on the streets of france pull over to ask the car infront for directions.their response.....'ah we italio....lost'......it is almost a line for a joke....then the irish car puèlls up.....
go into the petrol station....ellie says to the guy; 'oh thats a nice name how do you say that'....his response....'ah its not my name....(cassier)its my job'.....hehehe oops.....
Ellie with the map eating....'yeah this is the way'....we hint the dead end...'ah i think we got it wrong'....this trip will be hilarious
Anisia.....'DANNY TOO CLOSE'.....(to late we mount the curb).i will say right now that daniel you are a brilliant driver and if i was driving on the wrong side of the road i would be going down more one way streets then you have=)
so we spent yesterday getting used to the driving and in V palace...oh my goodness if you have seen 'ever after' that is exactly what it was like so beautiful. and that is why i still want to be a princess
My last day with kizz was yesterday shes in london town now then home again to start teaching. For those of you who know my sister well will know she brought a spark to the group and will be missed for her quotes= stop beeping, are we having fun,ill give him what for and danielsan mr miyagi say good work....also the soothing beach noises with the seagull and whale noises waking you up again. thanks for coming Kizz its been a blast. I hope you dont have to return with your 50 kids to go up the eiffel tower
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