Sunday, January 08, 2006

Brugge - Belgium

i HAVE finally DONE outdoor ice skating. Today in Belgium- Brugge Daniel Anisia and I took the plunge...not literally for us (some kids didn't get off so lightly- no help from us hehe).
The day starts with a typical Brugge Breakfast with fresh bakery bread and lots of yummy spreads like CHOCOLATE or buttered honey. so tasty. Our beautiful hosts showed us around the city of Brugge. We went to the lake of one is sure why it has that name... we also saw something similar to a convent but is not attached to the church. its just a community of woman who are not married...that live together and Men are locked out...there is a little more then that and they even wear the same kinda thing as nuns but there is no connection to a church...i don't understand. Daniel went in (hehe which makes us sound snealy but during the day people walk in and out as they please)
also experienced frites or french fries....very very good
well i must go for now will be back soon hopefully
FUNNIST comment ever today made by anisia - ' did you do that for dress ups or just for fun)
the north sea.....glad i dont have to patrol this one...


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