Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Currumbin Wildlife sanctuary

Ever been to Currumbin Wildlife sanctuary!!Most GC kids have but in grade 3. A few of us from the marriott went on their night tour and this is what i got to play with!!You'd think i'd never seen a kangaroo before but i guess after goin overseas and that's all alot of ppl talk about you do get a bit excited about our natives!!was a good night i would reccomend it....heck i have to but it was really good!!

Joey!!!so so cute!he was very curious! so little.
Those 'red' kangaroo's were HUGE i was actually a wee bit afraid he was ready to get his boxing gloves out but it was very very fun!

Annual Dinner 07

Yes the annual dinner has been and gone again. this year it was at our own CLUB wahoo!was a good night. Its always a good reminder of how proud you can be when your a part of such an awesome movement!and lots of friends come together you may not see much during the summer season!FUN FUN night.

The family shot...ya know a year ago Dad was quiet the ill boy...but we didn't really know the full extent of it....he's a new man these days=)

The the others who want to join us on patrol 1...hehe Matty kizz champion aka Kathryn Cher mwah Toby and Ivanka.

Best part of the night would def. be when ol stumpy got up there and sang the clubbies song (i didn't know there was one) but it was AWESOME! Denise came close 2nd...and being asked to show my blue card with the white boys was also very very funny and ver innocent!!Wendy!!they're my lil bro's=)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

SYDNEY- bondi and the city=)

So i got to catch up with Ki...whom you may know. we worked together at pool bar...rather he worked and i stood at the bar and chatted...ha how things change=) Got to go out for dinner in Bondi and chill was very very fun to see him again!Friday night i stayed with Cara and we had a very interesting night to say the least. heck I was glad to get back to the hotel room that night!i did manage to meet a guy from momoth?area in jersey...well edmington?anyway he's from the area by the fav. mall in jersey. that was exciting. and i talked with this captain doin kettles (tin shake for the salvo's) talked about workin for the salvo's..kinda fun=)
The Ki and I=) hehe

Bondi beach shops
Harbor was raining and flippin cold!!

View from Cara's room Darling Harbor
Cara...yes and Me=)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

canada comes to aussie

miss I'm getting married and moving to the country with a million greens....Jen=) i love it=)
and that dude from hawaii goin to teach the girls to surf...hehe
everyone take a photo!!what are we doin?i don't know
Bex in her get-up

i won't ever forget the longest explaination Bex gave us aussies about 'canada is up here and aussie is .......down here' heck it was funny!got to hang out with the beautiful girls i stayed with back in sept. 05 in waterloo with Lisa!!very fun to have lisa home for a wee while and YAY showing ppl were you live is the coolesT!!
anyway we went to SOnya's brewry on mt tambo- to fisho's to see Charles play..again a trinity reunion and we also went shopping ate drank and went on a cane toad hunt with Bex in her cricket get up!!so so funny!!here is some of the fun in photos=) Bianca, Mylan, and Bex
Tasting=) with Sonya's dad

live for life

Nicole is Awesome and helps raise money for med students in Indo!!very cool to be apart of it!the MC dude was HILARIOus Jd Marth and Aimee have way to much fun at the uni bar!!Both of Jai and charles' bands played!!awesome fun!it was a trinity reunion to say the least!
wanna share our bottle anybody?
hehe charles

mothers day- its a family thing

yes the fun part of town- boonah
the family tree
mothers day in boonah. my 2 favorite uncles.

Uncle Dave- with the kids

uncle Colin- my Godfather

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

ANZAC DAY on the Gold Coast

"They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun, and in the morning

We will remember them.Lest we forget."
The Southport March troop 2007 . Every

Year since i'm not sure when SSLSC- my surf club had walked proud in the southport march for ANZAC day. lots of onlookers this year it was cool!