Annual Dinner 07
Yes the annual dinner has been and gone again. this year it was at our own CLUB wahoo!was a good night. Its always a good reminder of how proud you can be when your a part of such an awesome movement!and lots of friends come together you may not see much during the summer season!FUN FUN night.
The family shot...ya know a year ago Dad was quiet the ill boy...but we didn't really know the full extent of it....he's a new man these days=)
The the others who want to join us on patrol 1...hehe Matty kizz champion aka Kathryn Cher mwah Toby and Ivanka.
Best part of the night would def. be when ol stumpy got up there and sang the clubbies song (i didn't know there was one) but it was AWESOME! Denise came close 2nd...and being asked to show my blue card with the white boys was also very very funny and ver innocent!!Wendy!!they're my lil bro's=)
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