Monday, June 21, 2010

B'day time! and bits from May

Anzac day - Dawn service at Currumbin
Me with the boys

Charles and Father

The crew

Stern face?

B;day cake =)

Rockstars Jai and Charles

the Ladies

Dad and his girls

Megan Gale, Marshmellow, a message board and a memory card =) M PARTAY

Meetin lil Micah. My 31 girl's lil boy

Comedy night at thr Casino

The fam at easter

ADDIE...shes too cute!

Zac, Addie and Kizz

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brittany's Visit!

Brit with my fatty!
Bon fire =)

loving her reflection

The family!

the ladies! Ruth, Addie Brit and Kizz

You did that Brittany?lol. FUNNY STORY. i kinda got drop in the bush why trying to get frangipani's

end to a fab day!

Kings beach - sunny coast

how cute are they!

your daddy was a lama!

Slater the Koala

The American's with the drop bears

when charles met Brittany

At an OKA concert. Ruth Brit and Jai

Main beach



When Terry met his modern day mother thersea

funny days! the ladies,!.!

The flanny Boys

last while

Byron Bay!!!!Wit Major Sue and Brit!IN AUS!!
Brit Meets Ma


Lil Addie on Patrol

the morning after......

The kids at christmas

The christmas Play

The God parents

my grad dinner!

christmas 2009

Ben's farwell!


Charles 25th...FRO party


my ladies

THE walk

Graduating! The NY Christmas crew!


The nursing Ball ladies

My Sarah and Kate from Canadia lol

Uni girls!

its been almost a year but here are a few highlights....only a few of the last WHILE