Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Martha turns 25

TLC Class 01
Sully Jd Charles, Mel, Mwah Andy rogers Ezz and Sonya

Charles and Sequoya

my cake =) thanks Ma

Men in Black! Theo and Michael

My uni girls!Sarah, Mel Mwah Cass Kate Kirran and Soph

Had the bestest party...alomost as good as my 21st! the Theme was superheros!!!!!!!was so nice to have everyone together dressing up, trying to use their superpower!TOO much fun!
best dressed- probly Miss Sonya as Banana Man/woman....and Jai as the home made nija turtle!
Was fun tho. 2 of my best friends were monkey magic, he-man and she-ra made it out as well as Batman, all the nija turtles, supergirl, catwoman, men in black, harry potter, Zoro, mighty mouse, phantom and mayb i few more i forgot! they were all brilliant!it was a great night, celebrated by all who rocked up as well as a few that kicked on until 530am in the carpark!lol!
good times!
Had my much loved Ki from Sydney come up esp. to dress up =) AND Mel and Tyse made it back in time from peru!
Ki and Martha =)
My family Zoro, he-man who married his sister she-ra Mwah and Ma

me and all the turtles

BANANA man/woman...SONYA

Kizz and I

Danny and I

Charles, Jd and I

KI....what were we doing?

My pool bar boys! Jai and Ki

Monday, June 15, 2009

May- G.U.N.S Launch and the storm

G.U.N.S = Griffith Uni nursing society! Was launched in May this year. A society to organise parties really! but its all in good fun!
Look what the storm brought down!

Sarah Mwah and Kate at te GUNS launch

Sarah and I...lol

Donna Sarah and I

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Anzac weekend was a great one!

All these photos go in back ward order but it shows ya the good times had in reverse! Friday night was Dan (friend from uni)21st!lots of fun!then saturday was Anzac day which is the march in southport Kizzie and I do every year!

Saturday night was me ezz and Jd catching a bus from southport to miami!we thought we were cool! went down to shark bar to see cool calm launch their EP.!!!such a good night!didn't end there. went to the after party and AGAIN saw the sunrise----blaming that idea on charles!lol!

really good weekend tho!sunday finished up with a marriott reunion =) Marriott girls

Me and Trish

On the bus!!!cool kids =)

The boys found a car to play with

Sunday is a beach day =)

Charlie and I at the after par-tay

Nat!is also an amazing amazing singer/artist


Cool calm collective

Andy and Sheree

Kizzie and I laying the wreath this year at the memorial service. Every year we walk with the surf club =)

Dom and I

Uni gerls! Sarah Donna Julia Kirran and I

oh dear!brendan thinks hes' a pimp

Goolia Sarah and Kate!

kidney kids camp 09

Kidney kids camp is run annually in different states throughout australia by kidney health australia!this year i was lucky enough to attend as a volunteer leader amougst my peers!i tell ya we had a good time!
The kids that attend camp have had kidney transplants, required transplants or were siblings of someone who needed one! amazing tough kids who love to hang out and just be kids!was lots of fun! we got to take the kids to dreamworld and do other fun things around currumbin!
The theme was LOST- in the south pacific and on the last night we put on a play....good time was had by all!
This man is TOO funny!

always time for ICECREAM!this chick is AMAZING!

Sarah mwah and Kirran!

Building sandcastles

Out front of dreamworld!

My Hut!Julia goolia and I had the pleasure of looking out for these ladies!!

The Wind tribe lol!

ALL the volunteers at kidney camp