Sunday, April 06, 2008

its s knee thing

as a medically interested person thought i would share some clinical pictures haha...yeah my knee some of the brising....i still have a big brise on the back of my calf....
All the way from norn iron

SO I took a sideways knock to my knee and a smash to the face in feb this year!the numbness in my knee and pain in my ankle proved to be a torn ligament- ACL to be exact! Since then I have had MRI xrays physio and an ACL repair where the doctor took some of my hamstring and made a new ligament for me=) 3 weeks since the operation now and i have enough mobility to get me around the house unaided. I am spose to be back to work by 6weeks after the operation!i can't wait till its completely back to normal actually again!i am currently learning patience!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ehem... so what exactly happened with this sideways knock to the knee and face??? And apart from the obvious, how have you been?

2:26 PM  

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