Friday, October 12, 2007

Newark Week=)

finding a hiding spot...

Shyquan, Monte, Marcus, me, Davion and Nijohn......Valsburg crew

SOULWOW what a blessing to spend such a time with Captain Vangi and Urban ministries!!BEAUTIFUL people! I was there for a week learning the inn's and out's of the core family! Bible studies, Jr. soliders, choir rehersals, church, sunday school and spiritual cafe!I loved it so much!one day I'll be back!
Jr. Solider pledge....imagine 30 lil kids yelling out their pledge in the city of Newark!

Having asked God for forgiveness. I will trust him to keep me good.

Because Jesus is my Savior from sin, I will be his loving and obedient child and will try to help others to follow him. I promise not to use intoxicating drink, harmful drugs or tobacco. I promise to pray, to read, and, by His help, to lead a life that is clean in thought word and deed.

In the mean time here are some photos to take a look at.Zyuheil during a railton (youth officer training school) visit
Zariah and Rakhiemthe march around the block before church


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