Tuesday, August 29, 2006

photos from camp

Aaron Liz Catherine Marcos Darren and Martha in NYC times square

IHOP with Liz
Hey guys
I'm in union city at the moment with Marcos...having a relaxed time at the moment, enjoying his mum's spanish food..yummy!! I head back to camp again on friday to work for labor day which is exciting coz its a reunion for camp friends!should be fun. I head to LA on the 8th of september so not to long til i leave the east coast!~...
here are some photos of camp. will aim to put more up at a later date=)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see i read your blogs!
hopr your doing good..
missing you loads stinky..
my 2:30 snacks!
hope your doing good..
take care and be safe!

3:41 AM  

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