updating in london
I've been about London for a week now and the last 2 days i got to spend some time with megs.it has been so nice! I've had the chance to catch up with a few people while im here!its been awesome to be with JD and to experience the inital london city with her. I was lucky enough to see Simon and Haj from Towoomba as well which made me smile. Tonight I caught up with bradry's sister Casey!3 aussies chicks from the Goldie in a walkabout!fun fun!!and walking out of the walkabout i ran into Katie a friend i worked with and went to uni with for a bit!its been great a few more people to see and definitely more to do but im headed down to portsmouth tomorrow night will look for a job down there. Will be back in london b4 christmas so if you come over!!!!!let me know!
will let you know more stories when i get the photos up dated!!
for now- me simon and Haj last sunday night=)
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